소개: In 1980, psychoanalyst Hannah Groyer, who left the Western American academic community after the uns...더보기
소개: In 1980, psychoanalyst Hannah Groyer, who left the Western American academic community after the unsavory incident, was living alone in Peabody, Massachusetts. She happens to be close to Debbie Cooper, a caretaker of Hospice, and finds out that she has become rich with a large inheritance. A few months later, Debbie, who settles in Salem, begins living in a mansion intertwined with terrible rumors, and invites Hannah Groyer. One day Hannah, Arthur and the other guests, invited to Debbie’s dinner, find themselves trapped in a haunted mansion. 접기
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In 1980, psychoanalyst Hannah Groyer, who left the Western American academic com... 더보기In 1980, psychoanalyst Hannah Groyer, who left the Western American academic community after the unsavory incident, was living alone in Peabody, Massachusetts. She happens to be close to Debbie Cooper, a caretaker of Hospice, and finds out that she has become rich with a large inheritance. A few months later, Debbie, who settles in Salem, begins living in a mansion intertwined with terrible rumors, and invites Hannah Groyer. One day Hannah, Arthur and the other guests, invited to Debbie’s dinner, find themselves trapped in a haunted mansion. 접기